Schwabe is proud to share that Sarah Roubidoux Lawson has been elected to the National Native American Bar Association’s (NNABA) Board of Directors. NNABA is made up of attorneys who are both U.S. citizens and citizens of their respective Tribal nations, and it works to protect the governmental sovereignty of the more than 560 independent Native American tribal governments in the United States.
“I’m honored to serve on the National Native American Bar Association’s Board of Directors. This position enables me to advance the issues important to Native American attorneys alongside a roster of colleagues who share my passion and connection to these communities.”
Sarah is a member of Schwabe’s Native American & Alaska Native Law practice. Her work is particularly focused on tribal tax and real estate matters, and she is recognized as an authority on issues involving Indian trust land. Prior to Schwabe, Sarah spent more than 10 years working in tribal government, advising tribal council and tribal departments on a variety of matters including contracts, real estate development, and legislation.
Sarah is a citizen of the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska.
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