Farms, dairies, and ranches in the Pacific Northwest are represented by Schwabe.

What our clients say

“I’d like to add ‘working with Schwabe’ to our balance sheet since it has tangibly increased our bottom line! We are able to work with leading experts in their respective fields to maximize our profits.

Everyone we have worked with is professional and friendly, extremely accessible and responsive. It has been a win-win experience for us at Berger International!”

Becky Berger, Berger Seed

100 PNW farms, dairies & ranches

Represented in the last decade

founder Western Resources Legal Center

highly ranked

Band two

Environmental – OR & WA

National Tier 1

Natural Resources


  • Obtained mitigation for water rights in a scenic waterway, hydraulically connected groundwater, and Deschutes ground and surface water rights.
  • Worked with rural counties on R.S. 2477 rights-of-way and coordination and cooperating agency status.
  • Advised large and small dairies on CAFO permit requirements and advocated for dairies against neighbor complaints, inspections, and enforcement actions by EPA and ODA.
  • Worked on biological assessments and biological opinions, defended preliminary injunctions, and evaluated candidate conservation agreements (with and without assurances) involving Endangered Species Act and state wildlife law issues.
  • Advised clients on expanded and new water storage in prior converted croplands, updated diversion structures in fish bearing streams, cleaning out ditches and ponds, evaluating whether they are operating in Waters of the United States or waters of the state, and modifying farming practices in tiled fields.
  • Protected grazing permit interests as intervenors in litigation against the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
  • Guided farmers through the process of obtaining wetlands and water-right permits to build new storage in the Willamette Valley.
  • Resolved labor and worker injury claims for farms and dairies related to minimum wage, piece rate payments, leave laws, and policies on substance use (i.e., marijuana).
  • Advised farmers and agricultural property owners on corporate organization, governance, real property, and operational matters.
  • Assisted applicants in obtaining water rights (storage, groundwater, surface water), transfers, permit amendments and extensions, groundwater modifications, and other authorizations from and agreements with the Oregon Water Resources Department.
  • Resolved public land trespass notices and enforcement actions related to fires, grazing, and access.
  • Resolved, through stipulated agreement and mutual order and agreement, various Oregon Department of Agriculture claims related to pesticide labeling, use, and applications.
  • Mediated grazing permit enforcement actions and restored grazing activity on U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management lands.
  • Defended high-profile enforcement and termination actions for individual CAFO permit issued to Oregon dairy.
  • Represented a ranch client in negotiating a flow restoration agreement with The Freshwater Trust. Our client was paid to reduce irrigation for the benefit of summer steelhead.
  • Developing family farm succession plans that dovetail estate plans for three generations of hazelnut farmers in the Willamette Valley and ensure the farms can stay in the family.

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